Anime Girl Rankings

Ranking your favorite anime girls

Highest Ranked

  • Urumi Kanzaki (9.59)
  • Hibino Shiba (9.54)
  • Isuzu Sento (9.54)
  • Maggie Mui (9.54)
  • Mai Kawakami (9.54)
  • More Stats...

Most Votes

  • Isuzu Sento (876)
  • Saya Takagi (823)
  • Saeko Busujima (806)
  • Yoko Ritona (788)
  • Riza Hawkeye (766)
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Most Recent Votes

  • Re-l Mayer (10)
  • Honoka Yukishiro (10)
  • Rie Misumi (10)
  • Rena Ryuuguu (5)
  • Tsugumi Aoba (5)
  • More Stats...


Which girl has the nicest eyes?

[Poll History]


Here we attempt to answer some of the more common questions about the site and how it operates.

General Questions

Exactly what am I voting on?

When you vote for a character, you're essentially saying how much you like or dislike that character as a whole. You're not voting only on how the character looks or her personality, but what you think of her as a "complete package". Therefore, if you think a character is attractive but her personality irritates you, don't give her a 10. A character's ranking is simply a straight average of the total of that character's votes.

Another thing to avoid: Do NOT vote out of spite for other voters. It's one thing to hate a character because of who they are, but to give that character a 1 for the sole reason of "balancing out" a ranking you feel is too high is not in line with the spirit of the site. The same goes for giving a 10 to a character for the sole reason of "balancing out" a ranking you feel is too low.

Why can't I vote for a character more than once?

Simply put, to avoid abuse. You can vote for as many characters as you want, but you can only vote for any particular character once per day. When the day has passed, you will be able to vote for that character again. There is a system in place by which voting abuse can be detected, and if enough reason is found, you will be banned from voting. Passion about a character is understood and encouraged, and repeat visits are appreciated, but stay respectful and don't try to game the system.

Can I be on staff? I'd like to help!

Sorry, but staff is hand-picked from people we know and trust. However, we do appreciate and encourage help when it comes to content for the site. See the instructions below for guidelines on submitting content.

Questions about Character and Series Entries

Why are characters listed in Western name order? Why is character/series [X] named that way instead of [Y]?

As a site hosted in the United States, operated by English speakers, and intended for a primarily English-speaking audience, it is the site's standard operating procedure to use the official English names and titles for site entries. This includes using Western order for character names and the official licensed names of characters and titles. The general scheme is as follows:

  1. If there is no North American license for a series, we use the Japanese character and series names.
  2. If a series is licensed, we use the official names as indicated by the license. This, however, has a couple different flavors.
    1. In the case of a series like Pokemon which has only been officially released as an adaptation with names different from the Japanese names, we use the English names. Thus, Kasumi becomes "Misty".
    2. In the case of a series like Sailor Moon which has been released both as an adaptation as well as in the original Japanese, the Japanese names and titles take precedence. Thus, we use "Usagi Tsukino" instead of the adapted "Serena Tsukino".
    3. In the odd case where there are two separate and different releases that are both in the original Japanese (or both in adapted English if there are no original Japanese releases at all), the release that came out first takes precedence.

The short and sweet version is: The licensed names always take precedence over non-licensed names. After that, original Japanese names always take precedence over adapted English names. After that, any ties for the language are given to the release that came first. When conditions for a character or series that is already in the database change, we will update the name and/or title as appropriate. We try our best to be timely and consistent about this, but we're only human. It would be nice to be able to list every different name and title from every release, but frankly that's a lot of work and we'd just be duplicating Anime News Network's encyclopedia.

I see a "Project A-Ko" entry but not ones for the other A-Ko movies or the OAV. What gives?

Similar to how impractical it would be for the site to include every different alternate character name or series title, it would be impractical to create a dedicated entry for every discrete property. The Dragon Ball franchise alone consists of three series, over ten movies, and a couple OAVs and specials, and the vast majority of the cast is the same across all of them. In situations like this, we wrap all of those properties up into an umbrella entry and specify in character descriptions the property in which they first appear. Therefore, the Project A-Ko entry includes all four movies as well as the OAV. However, in cases where the casts and stories are simply too separate from the rest of the properties in its franchise, we will opt to create a dedicated entry. For instance, Gundam Seed Destiny has a distinct enough cast from Gundam Seed that it warrants having its own entry, listing only the characters appearing in that series.

Questions about Submitting Entries

NOTE: The site is currently not accepting submissions and the FTP described below is no longer operating.

How do I submit an entry to the site?

The submission guidlines for the site are as follows:

Series and Character Names:

  1. If there is no North American license for a series, we use the Japanese character and series names.
  2. If a series is licensed, we use the official names as indicated by the license. This, however, has a couple different flavors.
    1. In the case of a series like Pokemon which has only been officially released as an adaptation with names different from the Japanese names, we use the English names. Thus, Kasumi becomes "Misty".
    2. In the case of a series like Sailor Moon which has been released both as an adaptation as well as in the original Japanese, the Japanese names and titles take precedence. Thus, we use "Usagi Tsukino" instead of the adapted "Serena Tsukino".
    3. In the odd case where there are two separate and different releases that are both in the original Japanese (or both in adapted English if there are no original Japanese releases at all), the release that came out first takes precedence.

Character Selection and Description:

Only write descriptions for female characters who make some sort of impact on the series. Characters that only appear in an episode or two or a couple of scenes can be ignored unless they make a big impact. Characters must be named in Western order. Character descriptions need to be three or four sentences and NEED TO BE SPOILER-FREE. If there is a difference in a character from one variant to another, another three or four sentences are needed for that variant, with a reference to which variant it is. ("In <variant1>, <character> is.." and "In <variant2>, <character> is..")


All of the descriptions can be put in one text file, as long as it is clear which description (and all its variants, if applicable) is for which character.

Character Images:

Images must be clear and crisp, not too distorted, and fairly representative of the character. They MUST be 150 by 150 pixels and MUST be in png format. The name of each image must be the name of the character the image is for. Again, names in Western order. ("Akane Tendo.png")

Even if there are variants for the series, only one image of each character is required. Which variant to get an image for is up to you, but the variant that was released first is preferred.


The entire submission (text file containing character descriptions and image files for each character) should be put in a zip or rar file, the name of which should be the name of the series you're submitting followed by the name you would like to be given credit to on the Submission Credits page. ("Scrapped Princess -")


The zip or rar file can then be uploaded to the site ftp at: port 21
login/pass: agr/agr

If you see your submission disappear from the ftp, it means that it has either been accepted and added to the site, or it has been rejected.

Staff reserves the right to make edits to character descriptions to correct minor spelling and grammar issues, as well as correct outright inaccuracies. Substitute images may be used if provided images are not deemed acceptable. Submissions that deviate from the guidelines to an extent as to not be useable will be rejected.

Can I submit just a new image and/or text for an already present character, or just a couple new characters for an already present series?

Certainly. However, in cases where the content submitted already exists, as in the case of rewriting a description or submitting an alternate image, the odds of it being accepted are much lower. If you are adding a new description for a character variant, or adding an image and description for an entirely new character from an already present series (as often happens when a second season of a series airs after the series was already added to the site), your odds of acceptance are much higher. Incomplete submissions for new series, however, will always be rejected.

Do you accept submissions for hentai series?

Hentai series are acceptable provided the character descriptions and images are family-friendly and professionally written, just like any other content on the site. Hentai submissions that are explicit or otherwise too indecent will be rejected.

Do you accept submissions for Korean or other asian animation?

Currently, there are no plans to add animation that is not of Japanese origin.